photo credit: Christopher Bertin
"Shara Claire not only teaches her students to drum, but to remember the true gift of living." ~David Aubrey Berger, Author
"Thank you so much, Shara! I've already received a lot of comments about how participants really enjoyed your keynote presentation—they found it very different from usual run-of-the-mill speakers. They appreciated how you made it all very relevant to their lives. Please don't hesitate to use me as a reference. I've passed on your information to the other divisions in our company with a great review." ~Jonille De Los Santos, York Region Public Health
"Shara possesses the exceptional combination of being a brilliant teacher and an inspired drummer all at once. She meets students exactly where they are at and facilitates learning in a relaxed, fun & positive environment while connecting students to each other through the power of music. Shara's expertise is so special; she creates room for people to grow, both as drummers and as people." ~Amy Bohigian, student
"I leave every experience with Shara feeling uplifted and hopeful. Drumming with her and the other wonderful people I meet in her groups gives me strength and support to keep making positive changes in my life." ~Veena Kumar, student